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08142020 Gold Nugget

After tak­ing some los­ing trades it is hard to con­vince your­self that it is just part of the sta­tis­tics. You win some, you lose some. Although there were oth­er fac­tors at play I have no one else to blame but myself. After hav­ing spent the week focus­ing on align­ing with mar­ket nar­ra­tive I final­ly took a trade after I felt con­fi­dent enough that I was aligned. Even though…. Mar­ket align­ment does not equal guar­an­teed prof­its. It just push­es me to be on the right side of the mar­ket with a sta­tis­ti­cal edge to play out. The mar­ket does what the mar­ket does. Some­times we are in sync with it. Some­times we are not. 

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