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How did I trade today? 20210414

Sum­ma­ry: For­ward-test­ing trad­ing ideas is satisfying

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Every trad­ing day I recap my trades, includ­ing more than entries and exits. Why did I take the trade? How did I man­age the trade, my emo­tions and cog­ni­tive func­tion? All the good stuff as well as all the ugly of being a day trad­er. As always, feel free to reach out to me. 

My week­ly goal: 

Good Pre-mar­ket routines

Fair Ses­sion PECS

Good Trade selection

Good Trade siz­ing or SL placement

Good Trade Exe­cu­tion & Mgmt.

Good Risk Adjust­ed Returns

Yes Dai­ly review

Mup­pet meter (1 being best — 5 being worst): 1



How accu­rate was my assess­ment of mar­ket con­text? What were the cir­cum­stances of the devel­op­ing nar­ra­tive? How did they devel­op accord­ing to DTTZ?

There was a momen­tum exten­sion down in D TPO to which I put a paper trade to for­ward test a poten­tial play I had seen before. Not sure what to call it yet but I’ll come up with some­thing dur­ing review. After exhaust­ing ADR price kept mak­ing LLs and a time-based close would have yield­ed 3.1R.

What was the play of the day?

Trend Con­tin­u­a­tion. D1 Bear­ish Inside Bar, H4 phase 4, large imbal­ance at the open sig­nal­ing strength, IB exten­sion down tak­ing out LTF demand then exhaust­ing ADR right into W1/D1 demand. 

Was I right on the out­come? Which Hypo played out and why was it not Hypo 1 (if any)?

Yes I was. Even though Hypo 3 was my most like­ly sce­nario based on my own per­son­al expe­ri­ence I thought to put a mean rever­sion as Hypo 1 as I had not con­firmed for myself a large imbal­ance in this set­ting before. 

Was there an oppor­tu­ni­ty and did I take it?

There was none based on my cur­rent trad­ing rules although I did doc­u­ment a Trend Con­tin­u­a­tion set­up for my playbook. 

DTTZ: 1st

Entry: Momen­tum IB extension

Prof­it Mar­gin (ADR or con­ges­tion): 1R at W1 demand 2.5R at D1

What would a price action exit rule have done?

2.5R based off M5 exit

How was SL place­ment and Sizing?

Would have been good. Entry at x.xx2x, SL at x.xx48 above IB and formation

What would time-based have done?


What could I have done better?

I did well to observe this par­tic­u­lar set­ting where I would be trad­ing right into a W1/D1 demand area. 

How did I feel before, dur­ing, and after the trade?

No trade taken


How accu­rate was my assess­ment of mar­ket con­text? What were the cir­cum­stances of the devel­op­ing nar­ra­tive? How did they devel­op accord­ing to DTTZ?

I actu­al­ly think it was more Hypo 2 respon­sive activ­i­ty play­ing out due to the mar­ket not real­ly mak­ing a move due to being stuck between new­ly devel­oped demand and the large imbal­ance as it is. 

What was the play of the day?

No real play.

Was I right on the out­come? Which Hypo played out and why was it not Hypo 1 (if any)?

I was although the momen­tum I was hop­ing for Hypo 1 to have did not come and thus moves on to Hypo 2 and 3

Was there an oppor­tu­ni­ty and did I take it?

There was no oppor­tu­ni­ty under cur­rent trad­ing rules

What could I have done better?


How did I feel before, dur­ing, and after the trade?

No trade taken

How well did I man­age my phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al and cog­ni­tive states?

I did well although did get a bit tired again even though I did not eat heavy. Did not sleep well last night so that was prob­a­bly it. 

What did I learn today?

For­ward-test­ing a trad­ing idea is almost as sat­is­fy­ing as actu­al­ly exe­cut­ing a trade on it. 

What’s one thing I need to do more often?

Only exe­cute when I have con­fi­dence in a play.

What’s one thing I need to do less often?

For­ward-test trad­ing ideas I keep see­ing recur­ring in the markets. 

Under the cir­cum­stances, did I per­form at my best?

I did well today

For my trade plan(s) on this par­tic­u­lar day, go here:

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