14 Jun A Day Trader’s Take on Lion’s Mane Mushroom
#fintwit #DayTrader #tradinglife #MarketProfile #Orderflow #Nootropics #LionsManeMushroom
This is a Blog Post category I have been wanting to do for a little while. I will be posting book summaries (mostly trading related), but also thoughts on anything that could be of value to a Day Trader. The reason for me wanting to do this is to ‘show more of my work’ (Austin Kleon, author of Show your Work) as well as document and learn more efficiently from all that I read and have learned. For example I have been experimenting with Nootropics for quite some time now. Then I took a break from it. But recently I started dabbling again.
Warning: I tend to write long essays so get your reading glasses (if you need them) and a big cup of coffee to prevend you from falling asleep! 🙂
Which brings me to my first blog post on A Day Trader’s Take on Lion’s Mane Mushroom. Just keep in mind that these are my personal experiences that I will be sharing here. Your mileage may vary (a lot). At the foundation of anything new that you might be trying you need to go through a process of trial and error. What works for me, might not for you. This is not a recommendation of any kind. You are to do your own research and trial and error. With that out of the way…
I got onto Lion’s Mane Mushroom from my mentor Dee. She explained the personal benefits it has on her memory and I decided to give it a try as well.
What is Lion’s Mane Mushroom?
Now, I’m not going to go super in-depth to explain what it is. There are way more superior posts on this already. In a nutshell, Lion’s Mane Mushroom is an edible mushroom. No, not those magic mushrooms you might be thinking of. Lion’s Mane Mushroom is a type of medicinal mushroom long used in traditional Chinese medicine. Currently it’s widely available in supplement form. These supplements come in different forms so you should find out which one you prefer. This post is more about my personal experience with them.
For your reference I am using the Lion’s Mane Mushroom 500mg supplement from Swanson Health Products. They are capsules.
Doing some research on Lion’s Mane I found out the following claimed benefits:
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Anxiety
- Depression
- High Cholesterol
- Inflammation
- Parkinson’s disease
- Ulcers
- Manage diabetes symptoms
- Reduce heart disease risk
- Boost immune system
- Possible better sleep regulation
- Improve memory
Now, whether or not Lion’s Mane Mushroom actually benefits these is far beyond the scope of this blog post. For me, the reasons for taking it were primarily for anxiety and depression. As well as to better regulate my sleep and improve my memory when I’m at it.
Most of my adult life I have in one form or another struggled with anxiety, depression coupled with overall bad sleeping routines. So much so that I started taking supplements and medication to help with them. When I started taking Lion’s Mane Mushroom I was in the habit of taking 0.125mg of Xanax to fall asleep almost on a daily basis. Which I had been doing for almost 6 months. I see many people take quite higher dosages (2–4mg a day) and thought that my relatively low dosage would not have much effect on me.
I was wrong. Besides that it helped me to fall asleep it also made me less anxious the next day. Which obviously was a welcome effect for me. But also added to my dependance on them. However, when I started taking Lion’s Mane Mushroom, about 3–4 days in, I noticed that I did not feel the need to take Xanax. I was falling asleep quite easily and everything seemed to be going well. Then, about 5–6 days of not using Xanax I started feeling withdrawals. Luckily those subsided relatively quickly within a few days but it made me reaffirm not to take these meds lightly. I already did not take it lightly but like I mentioned. Taking such a low dose I thought it was somewhat okay.
When I started Lion’s Mane Mushroom I started off with 1 (500mg) capsule in the morning. I had read it was good to take while drinking your morning cup of coffee. So that’s what I did. After a week or so I decided to double my daily intake and especially just before bed. I had read that this could benefit my sleep even more as well as induce more lucid dreams. Many user experiences boasted about this and I thought I’d give it a try. Although I did have more lucid dreams I did not feel rested the next day. I tried it for about a week before giving up on taking it before bedtime. It simply did not have the desired effect for me.
Then, I decided to have another capsule in the afternoon. My reasoning was to have a larger gap between taking it and my bedtime. I felt that this was better although a few days in I started feeling lethargic during the London trading session. As if I had just eating a big bowl of pasta and the slump started kicking in. The London session is what I trade. Living in Asia, the London session opens at 3 or 4pm depending on Daylight Time Savings. Feeling like this was a big no no. Similar to when I tried taking 2 capsules in the morning. So I went back to only taking one capsule a day.
I started opening the capsules and pouring it into my coffee and drank it like that. Now, I have no real data / or personal experience that this is any better than just swallowing the capsule. I had read that a lot of people were doing it like this so I decided to do it as well. It does not change the flavor of the coffee much. Perhaps a little ‘earthy’ taste is added.
A sidenote I was also dabbling with Alpha GPC (I might write another post on that as well at some point) in this period and the lethargy could’ve been partially caused by that. So I do want to give two capsules a day another go at some point but I feel it’s doing its work for now so no rush.
Personal Subjectively Perceived Benefits
Now most of those benefits that I listed earlier I have no way of knowing if it helps in any meaningful way. What I did notice I will elaborate on here.
Better sleeping routine
From the first few days I felt less anxious. And as I mentioned before, I was able to fall asleep at night without much issue. So that’s good. A good night’s sleep is everyone’s best friend. But for us day traders it’s arguably even more important. When I explain what I think a day trader needs to be able to do I compare it to being a pro athlete. I know that might sound weird to some but bear with me on this. A pro athlete is not staying up late the night before a big game or tournament. They need good sleep so that they can function at the highest possible level. It is similar for us day traders where we need to function on a high cognitive level. One could argue high cognitive function is a part of athleticism as well but that’s a separate topic. We might not be needing to sprint a 100-yard dash but our brains need all the support it can get. Sleeping well consistently is a huge factor in that. Better cognitive ability. Better control of emotions ie. you’re more likely to have a shorter fuse if you are tired. Etc. You get it.
For me, I even have a hard rule, of not being allowed to trade if I have 2 consecutive days of not sleeping enough. I know from personal experience that I am more likely to make mistakes. So then why trade? It is more likely to negatively affect your bottom line.
Perceived Anxiousness / ADD / ADHD
As it happened I was talking to a friend and he made me realize a certain possibility. Now, I still need to further ‘research’ this for myself but I think it makes sense at first glance. I have been considered a person with ADD/ADHD for all my life even by professionals. I have always wholeheartedly disagreed with this assumption/observation. I find it has a negative connotation but the way I perceive it this has never hindered me. Quite the opposite. It has helped me a lot. Especially in day trading as we need to process lots of information in a glance. Where am I going with this? My ability to perceive more information is commonly seen as lacking some filtration system for all the information our brains take in and then disregards as not useful. Often times I can draw relationships between seemingly unrelated topics and pour them into one. I believe the lack of understanding or following along this thread is what makes some people lead to believe as me having ADD. Probably also the reason why my posts are often long-winded 🙂
I’ll give you an example. I went into the office of a psychologist and noticed all the decorations such as pictures, plants, and a clock she had in her bookcase. I commented about them not thinking anything of it. Her first real question to me was: do you have ADD? Feeling kind of put off by this I told her ‘my mother has psychology degrees as well. If I had ADD I’m sure my mother would’ve told me. So no I don’t have ADD/ADHD’. She continued to explain that “normal” people do not notice their surroundings in that detail as people with ADD do. To which I reacted: ‘I walked into your office that I’ve never been to, how am I not to notice these things?’. She went on further elaborating how ‘normally’ people filter out most seemingly unimportant details and offered to have me tested. Which I respectfully declined. Perhaps I shouldn’t have had. My thinking then, and kinda still is, is that I am merely able to process (if you will) more information and it hasn’t hindered me in any meaningful way. Actually, quite the opposite. I feel it has benefited me greatly. One of which is in Day Trading.
OODA Loops
As Day Traders there is a lot of information coming at you. You need to take it in. Grasp what possible narrative could be unfolding (remember, there are no guarantees in trading). Then you need to stalk a possible hypothesis setting up. Then decide what price action you would prefer to see (giving yourself a margin of error and not being too anal about details). Then execute on said opportunity. Consequently monitor order flow through price action and market profile in my case, to Observe, Orient, Decide and Act based on whatever the market is unfolding into. The so-called OODA loops.
So how does this relate to Lion’s Mane Mushroom I hear you screaming?! One of the things that I noticed was a “lack” of observation when riding my motorcycle. Another warning here: declaration of bad behavior coming up!
I’m a bit of an idiot and generally like to ride faster, let’s say. When I ride I have to take in all the information of traffic but also potential law enforcers that might want to give me a ticket for speeding 🙂 (see where the perceived ADD is actually helping here:)) Now, I understand that I should not be speeding but it is a good example of the point that I am trying to get across. After having started taking Lion’s Mane I noticed that more often than not I am less ‘sharp’ on these observational skills.
Often I plan ahead my route. I know which traffic lights to hit and where to ‘take a detour’ as traffic lights here all have timers on them. So I know if a light has a certain amount of time left it is better to go a different route so I’m able to hit the next green light etc. I don’t like to stand still sweating, especially wearing a suit and helmet in a tropical climate. So I take turns and follow different roads where I can keep going and thus my routes are rarely direct. Which I don’t mind as I love riding.
My friend pointed out that perhaps the lessened observational skill might actually be the thing that is creating a lessened feeling of anxiety. If I am thinking less than less thoughts could be bothering me. Which made sense to me. I’ll have to keep track of this.
Perhaps I do have ADD 🙂 If there is a professional in my audience I will allow you to diagnose me (free of charge of course). For all the rest, it’s fine if you just call me weird. Which I’m pretty sure I am but then again no normal person would ever think of becoming a Day Trader (or actually pull through on it). Also, who the fuck wants to be normal.
Memory benefits
To be honest I don’t see much improvement in this department (yet). Perhaps that will improve more over time. I kinda feel as if my memory has improved slightly but that could just be a placebo effect. I will keep track of this and update and edit this post as I go along. Like adding to my dosage etc.
EDIT: I am starting to think that I do sense a slightly better memory. I can recall from short term memory a bit better. Which is definitely an area I need improving in. I am still taking only one capsule in the morning with my coffee.
EDIT 2022/07/22: I have started taking pouring two capsules into my morning coffee and this has been going well. I kind of sensed that I was not feeling the same as I did when I first started Lion’s Mane. After starting to take 2 capsules I got that feeling back. Which could indicate that I am building a tolerance to it. Will keep tabs on how this develops in the future.
I like the benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushroom just for the mere fact that I feel less anxious. I feel my (ADD) observational skills are still there but I can turn them on instead of being at a default ON setting. For whatever reason. I seem to be sleeping better. I have a better routine because of it. I also couple this with reading before bed but I feel now I have the calmness to actually get in bed with a book. When people do/say things that might ‘normally’ annoy me somewhat I feel I have more of a little buffer in between the observation and reacting to it. Which allows me to calm down if needed and have a split-second to reassess. Which obviously helps in trading as well where price might pop and you might feel the need to react. Stand back. Reassess through going through the OODA loops and act accordingly.
If you have made it all the way through till the end I really applaud you. My posts are usually very long-winded and definitely not an easy read. So to applaud your dedication to my efforts and for just being extremely awesome to spend your valuable time with me I give you a nice pink Lambo!! Well, a picture of one. Come on!
If you have any comments or just want to say hi feel free to leave a comment or just get in touch with me.

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